Sunday, December 7, 2008

Tribute to RPK- One Month Following His Release.

Today, the 7th of December 2008, marks exactly a month since the Shah Alam High Court ordered the release of Raja Petra Kamarudin. Those present there on that very day witnessed a rare occasion in which Malaysians came forward and gave no recognition to age, sex and colour. It was a spirit that preceded self-made boundaries that have been in existence for a long time.

Below, is a video I created as a tribute for the Prince who so often stood his ground as the People's Champ. YM Raja Petra Kamarudin, this is for you.

For those who are unable to load this video, I've also uploaded it on You Tube.
You Tube Link:

by Argus Eye.

Also published in Malaysia Today-


Jarod said...

Wonderful video dedicated to RPK. He deserve it. If not for him, Malaysian will never wake up!

SFGEMS said...

That was a nice treat. Loved the baby pictures! Good one! ;)

Argus Eye said...

Jarod: Yes, we all owe him.

Estrelita: Thanks :)